Finding Ponies Tainted decision

Light blogging this weekend

Hey folks! You’ll notice I didn’t post anything yesterday. That’s likely to set the tone for the weekend as I have some important things to take care…

BREAKING: Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe found not guilty!

The court martial of Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe ended today, with a jury of seven finding McCabe not guilty on all charges. A Virginia military jury found…

School suspends blood drives over anti-gay donation discrimination

San Jose State University has continued their policy of suspending all campus blood drives, based on the FDA policy that does not allow donations from gay men….

Hot Air Trader error causes stock market to go into freefall

Interior Department Chief of Staff went white-water rafting while oil slick spread

More evidence to show that the Obama administration is completely out of their league has surfaced. The Interior Department Chief of Staff went white-water rafting with his…

Zombie Five students punished for wearing American flags on Cinco de Mayo

Michelle Malkin The Nashville floods: how to help

SEAL defense can prove Abed’s injuries were self-inflicted; prosecution witness caught lying

The court martial against Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe is winding down. Earlier this week, defense attorney Neal Puckett said that doctors could prove Abed’s injuries were self…

Fox News Prosecution rests in McCabe court martial

Politico BREAKING: David Obey to retire

Obama admin exempted BP’s Gulf drilling from environmental impact study

Well, isn’t this quite the twist of events. Obama was the top recipient of donations from BP in 2008, and it looks like he favored them after…

Finding Ponies The Gulf oil spill isn’t good, but it’s not the end of the world either

New York Times The year of the black Republicans

Gateway Pundit DNC trying to make money off of tragedy that killed 11 Americans

Yahoo News Why do Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder still have jobs?

Live Action Once again, choice is not a choice

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Ava Gardner