The feminist version of gender terrorism

When you hear the phrase “gender terrorism”, what do you think of? For most normal people, things like female genital mutilation come to mind. Honor killings. Stonings….

What do last night’s election results mean?

Last night was a big night for primaries. Around the country, people were tuning in to see these results, because many think that this could be a…

Breitbart Arlen Specter is GONE! DLTDHYOYWO!

Hot Air The message from yesterday’s elections

The Other McCain Burns concedes; Democrat wins

Hot Air Blumenthal is done

Breitbart Rand Paul wins in Kentucky

The Other McCain PA-12 live election results

Blackfive $100k reward being offered for Mojave Cross

Michelle Malkin The GOP crapweasel club

The Other McCain PA-12: Election Day!

AP Jeremiah Wright: Obama threw me under the bus!

Awesome: Saudi woman beats up virtue cop

Some news today sure to bring a smile to your face: in Saudi Arabia, a virtue cop tried to harass an unmarried couple for being out in…

Creative Minority Report Why modern vampires suck

Richard Blumenthal lies about serving in Vietnam

Richard Blumenthal lies about serving in Vietnam

Of all the outrageous lies someone could come up with to bolster their political career, this has got to be one of the worst. Connecticut Attorney General…

Hello, empty house

I’ve got a new post up at Hard Corps Wife. Here’s an excerpt: At about 1:30 this morning, I dropped Matt off for training that will take…

Hot Air Bombshell: Democrat Senate candidate lied about serving in Vietnam

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Ava Gardner