CNN Why is SEIU really protesting Bank of America?

Big Government What did Obama know about SEIU thugs terrorizing a teenager in his home?

Big Journalism DC Metro police escorted SEIU protestors to Greg Baer’s home

Hot Air Chris Christie continues with teh awesome

Hard Corps Wife No, this is NOT the hardest job in the Corps

Finding Ponies Abusers or abused?

Student suspended for bringing rosary beads to school

A devout Catholic teenager was suspended for the crime of bringing his rosary beads to school. The school claimed it could be showing gang affiliation or endangering…

Hot Air ICE Chief: We might not process illegals referred to us by AZ

The Daily Beast The injustice of FGM — why would we want to allow it here?

Michelle Malkin Scott Brown helps pass Wall Street reform bill

UNbelievable: Democrats give Calderon a standing ovation for trashing the US on the House floor

UNbelievable: Democrats give Calderon a standing ovation for trashing the US on the House floor

This crap is disgraceful. There is no other way to put it. Mexican President Felipe Calderon was here for a state visit, and was given the honor…

Hard Corps Wife New “pixie dust” helps regrow injured soldiers’ limbs

Hard Corps Wife Since when did pajamas become suitable to wear in public?

Hard Corps Wife Today in Marine Corps history: WWII/Korean war ace pilot John Bolt was born

Marine Corps Times Lejeune-based Marine killed in Afghanistan

Blackfive Troops in Afghanistan patrolling with unloaded guns??

The Guardian Worst. Mascots. Ever.

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Ava Gardner