Was Sarah Palin Harassed at Fox News? [VIDEO]

Was Sarah Palin Harassed at Fox News? [VIDEO]

There are things that make you go, “hmmmm.” Jake Tapper’s interview with Sarah Palin is one of those.

Insisting that she “used to be with Fox,” Palin told Tapper that “I wouldn’t put up with anything that would be perceived as intimidating or harassing,” and added that corporate culture at Fox “obviously has to change.”

But then the interview took a curious turn. Tapper asked Palin why she left Fox. Her answer was, well, let’s say it was coy.

“You know, I’m not going to speak for them. My contract wasn’t renewed, that’s — that’s the line,”

Oh, okay. Tapper finally asked Palin if she had experienced any harassment there. She gave another cagey answer:

“I just — you know, it was time to part ways and, you know, get out there in, I guess, a more diverse arena to express views and to speak for the public, and that’s what I’ve been able to do now.”

Here’s that interview:

It certainly appears that there’s more to that story than Palin is willing to reveal. But I’ll leave that up to you.

New York Times Writes Fake News Story About Trump And Israeli Settlements [VIDEO]

New York Times Writes Fake News Story About Trump And Israeli Settlements [VIDEO]

Tell me again why we should trust the media? In recent weeks I’ve definitely learned not to take any story published by the mainstream media at face…

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Ava Gardner