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A lot of us don’t see why liberals, so-called champions of free speech, would push for something like the Fairness Doctrine. Well, the answer is simple. It’s because otherwise no one would listen to liberal talk radio!
President Obama may be riding high in Washington, but OBAMA 1260 is not.
The area’s only progressive talk station is changing formats, dropping such syndicated liberal hosts as Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller and Bill Press in favor of financial news, starting next week.
The move by Redskins owner Dan Snyder, who purchased the station, WWRC, and others in Washington last summer, leaves the city without a liberal radio outlet. Program Director Greg Tantum says he thought the station could work because of enthusiasm over Obama, but that ratings collapsed to a level that could not be measured after the election.
But ratings nearly doubled, he says, at Snyder’s conservative station, WTNT, which features Laura Ingraham and Bill Bennett.
This is why there needs to be a Fairness Doctrine! If people don’t want to hear the liberal propaganda, then they’ll be forced to. And it also must be some sort of conservative conspiracy, right? Because there’s no way people would actively choose to listen to conservative radio and NOT liberal radio.
In all seriousness, this is really why liberals are pushing for the Fairness Doctrine. Air America was a disaster and liberal radio is tanking. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Co. are riding high. Imposing a Fairness Doctrine solves multiple problems. There’s no more free market competition, people only get the news and opinion that liberals choose, and there’s no more ratings. Ta-da!
Hat Tip: Newsbusters
ray… dee… oh? I seem to remember something like this from my childhood. I’d be perfectly happy to let conservatives have the entire AM band, if such a thing does, in fact, exist.
Lots of people listen to liberal progressive radio.
It is one of the widest distributed radio networks in the US.
It is government supported, too, just like the progressives want.
It eschews crude commercialism and only runs enlightened short statements about which companies/organizations provide support for the programming.
Commercial progressive radio fails in large measure, because the progressive audience listens to the government progressive radio.
Baz Says: ray… dee… oh? I seem to remember something like this from my childhood. I’d be perfectly happy to let conservatives have the entire AM band, if such a thing does, in fact, exist.
Too bad you’re not “perfectly happy” to stay the hell off conservative Internet blogs.
cylar says: Idiot.
Oof. The witty repartee is getting a little much for me, here.
Seriously, tho, Olbermann and Maddow (who *rocks* BTW) are beating Hannity and O’Reilly in the key demo ratings. DailyKos has nearly a million subscribers, and consistently more traffic than National Review. In a recent poll, Rush Limbaugh was found to be LESS popular than either Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers.
Maybe the problem is the medium, not the message.
Oof. The witty repartee is getting a little much for me, here.
Didn’t I tell you to get the hell out of here anyway? Pretty sure I did. Where I come from, trespassers are dealt with appropriately.
And once again, you make a series of claims that are laughable on their faces, without a spot of evidence, links, or other substantive support to back them up. You just pop in, say a bunch of completely counterintuitive things, then disappear.
Get lost.
i believe ‘baz’ may be the russian translation of ‘useful idiot’
socialist…err…’progressive’ tslk radio has been a ratings disaster…Scare America was a joke. ‘progressives’ have been howling for a ‘fairness doctrine’ in order to TRY to get people to listen to socialist blather, but what they fail to understand is that people will listen what they prefer, and the public has no interest in their flawed product…just a brief listen to the product explains why-whining and babbling backed solely by emotion and completely divorced from reason makes for a ‘bad radio’…interestingly enough, in the TV arena, glenn beck’s new show on fox is destroying olbermann and maddow in ratings, despite being aired when fewer people are watching TV…