We’ve Become Immune to the Violence

We’ve Become Immune to the Violence

We’ve Become Immune to the Violence

In a Manhattan crosswalk during rush hour last week, one man lost his life to another in broad daylight as passers by looked on, briefly tried to intervene, then acted as if shanking another human being was a normal daily occurrence.

In a city with a population of 1.6 million, have people become so desensitized to violence, to the loss of human life, that it’s acceptable to not only inflict violence upon others on a whim, but to end their existence on this mortal coil?

As rates of violence, specifically murder, increase annually , rogue prosecutors such as Alvin Bragg in Manhattan contiinue to push for policies that eliminate cash bail and release repeat offenders back onto the streets where unknowing everyday citizens are subjected to their mirth and mayhem.

As these crimes occur at alarming rates, we’re left to wonder if these shifts in our cultural norms are permanent. Will we ever return to the America that housed citizens empathetic to the plights of their fellow man and rise for one another against those willing to inflict harm upon strangers for their own gain, or for no reason at all, or are we to live in fear of being laid upon by criminal miscreants while politicians attempt to strip us of the abilities to defend ourselves and those we hold in high esteem?

The apathy must stop. We have to give a damn about what happens to others, and we have to elect politicians who do the same. This election is critical to securing not only the Constitutional protections afforded us through those sacred words, but continually guaranteed us with the blood, sweat, and tears of men and women we’ve never met.

Speak out against those elected who would rather protect the right of those with nefarious intent instead of upstanding citiizens, let your voice be heard loud for the re-implementation of liberty. Simply put, fight for what is right, and don’t stop. You might be the next person to not make it across the crosswalk.


The featured photo can be found here. 




Written by

Obsessively grammatically correct and unapologetically politically incorrect Mom, friend, mad scientist, Papist, and bibliophilic conservative hippie with an internet connection.

  • Joe R. says:

    Let keyboard cat play all those mfrs out to a little “Miami 2017”. Then break out the azzzzzkazzzzooo for the requiem for the other blue cities.

    When it all blows up, like the evil can’t-rise-to-the-level-of-worthless-mfn-POS-satanic-communist-(D) keep trying to make it do, don’t get any of that shi7 on you.

  • GWB says:

    Excellent post, ROS – pithy, to the point, and sadly necessary.

    Now on to a language question:
    to end their existence on this mortal coil
    I’ve always heard the phrase “shuffle off this mortal coil”, implying that the “mortal coil” was what bound us to the material plane. So, “existence on this mortal coil” didn’t make sense to me. Can you enlighten me?

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