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Liberals like to talk as if the reason our kids are doing so badly in the public school system is because we aren’t spending enough money on the schools. If we only would increase spending, they claim, reading and math scores would rise and our kids would be smarter.
This is, of course, a blatant lie.
Not only does higher public school spending slow down the economy, it doesn’t increase academic performance. Case in point:
Perhaps we’re going about education the wrong way. Maybe we should stop surrendering our schools and, more importantly, our childen, to the greedy teacher’s unions.
But of course, we’ll probably just go the liberal route, which is pretty simple: throw money at the problem and hope it goes away.
Hat Tip: All American Blogger
Fortunately a poor education means that many students won’t have even the most rudimentary grasp of things like “correlation”. Which means this chart won’t say anything to them, which means they will keep voting (D), which means teachers will continue to be paid more to produce less.
See, it’s a brilliant set up.
Except for the kids, but that serves them right. Why didn’t they have rich parents that could afford to send them to private schools, you know, like democrats in DC do.
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