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Vote Democrat, and catch more sluts!

Vote Democrat, and catch more sluts!

A new video called “Blue Balled” has come out, sponsored by Truth Through Action. It’s a great video, with a great message: as long as you’re a Democrat, you can land a decent-looking, snobby, shallow, and superficial girl who will put out approximately five minutes after meeting you, and she’ll also make sure to call you by the wrong name. You won’t even have to do any work! All you have to do is be there and bleed blue. She’ll strip off all her clothes on her own, jump into bed, and even get the condom and put it on for you. You won’t need to worry about impressing her, wooing her, having a personality or doing anything whatsoever to win her over. Just have a penis and a picture of Barack Obama on your nightstand.

Isn’t that exactly the kind of girl you want to land? Vote Democrat, baby, and that’s what you’ll get, all the time. (That, and a blistering case of herpes.)

Welcome to the land of milk and honey, where as long as you wear hipster sunglasses, keep your hair long and greasy, and keep a donkey pinned to your lapel, sluts will flock to you, my fortunate lefty.

Now, as a Republican, you might scare off the sluts. But then again, it could leave you with girls who are actually intelligent and principled, and maybe possess some morals, class, and dignity. And I guess that would be just awful, wouldn’t it?

Some lefties will read this and say I’m a hypocrite because I don’t typically date liberals. It isn’t. First of all, I don’t run away screaming and dejected if I find out the guy is a liberal; I’ll give him a chance. It is true, though, that I don’t typically have lasting relationships with liberals. But, as Allah points out, there is a difference between saying you won’t have a one-night stand with a liberal and saying you won’t date a liberal:

Both sides wrestle with variations of this sentiment (although I suspect men wrestle with it less than women), but on the right it’s usually formulated as, “I don’t date liberals.” I think that’s silly, but it’s defensible insofar as sharp political differences might make the relationship unworkable. The sentiment here, do note, is “I don’t sleep with Republicans,” almost as if there’s some physical taint, like VD, that one might contract by touching them. I don’t want to overstate the point since this dopey ad is designed to be cheeky and lighthearted, but once you’ve demonized a group to the extent of regarding them as unclean, you’re on a whole other plane of demagoguery.

Well said.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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  • jack M. says:

    Libs have long thought that using sex will help to control the populace. They corner the Hollywood market (with its rampant pushing of sexuality on the public), attempt to push sex education on the unwilling (including “teaching” masturbation to middle school kids) and, remove all community power to decide on local sexual morality standards. And, of course, the twin pillars of liberal sex control, birth control and abortion.

    It’s no wonder this video appeals to them. Use sex to control the vote! Yeah, that’ll do it.

  • Rob F says:

    WTF? It’s because I’m a conservative that I never get the really slutty hot chicks?!?

    I’m happy, really. I was just about to throw out my collection of life-sized Star Trek figures and stop wearing my Chief Engineer’s costume to parties. And even stop trying to chat up girls with cool Klingon phrases.

    Now I realise that none of those things was the real problem. Thanks, Cassy!

    (PS: I came here via Rachel Lucas’s sidebar – blame her!!!)

  • John M. says:

    This is why I can never be a liberal.

    To be part of a clique that puts out this self-righteous patronizing add to appeal to the voting youth doesn’t appeal to me.

    Actually, It looks like the add was done by conservatives mocking the liberal culture. It was riddled with cliches:

    Conservative Guy: geeky, sweater vest, clean cut.
    Liberal Guy: tweed jacket, long hair, round glasses, smug.

    You can’t make this stuff up!

  • proof says:

    The video is made by “Truth” in Action? Yeah, right! That happens to me all the time! Heh.

  • Jarrod says:

    It’s kind of like in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and they are hanging around the abortion clinic to meet girls because, “…why else would the be here unless they like to [put out]?”

    A friend and I have joked about going to Denver during the Democratic National Convention. Liberal girls are easy. You don’t even have to be that attractive, intelligent, witty, or have any of those traditional female-attracting accouterments…just spout off the right liberal catchphrases and you’re in like Flynn. I’d do one. I just wouldn’t marry one.

  • Jarrod says:

    Dang, we can’t delete comments anymore? I wish you were still on blogspot!

    Anyhow, for some explanation of the post I would have deleted: I’ve dated a liberal girl before and I thought we were going to make it work. Things went well until primary season. We broke up because I wanted specifics on what is to be changed and what is currently being hoped for.

    Not going to marry a liberal girl. I only have so much energy and I’d rather not spend a lot of it arguing over capital gains taxation at home.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    keep your hair long and greasy

    Ah, so that’s what I’m doing wrong. My hair is long, but it isn’t greasy. Who knew?

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    Things went well until primary season. We broke up because I wanted specifics on what is to be changed and what is currently being hoped for.

    Never ask for specifics. If you want that sort of relationship to work, you both have to commit to a don’t ask, don’t tell policy at home…

  • Matthew says:

    I’m going to say one word in response to the existence of this video.


  • Toa says:

    For years we have likened “Liberal” activists to a bunch of over-grown spoiled-14-year-olds. This video is yet more evidence that it is an accurate assessment.

    Also, isn’t the use of sex and other carnal pleasures an old way of softening up populations to make them more pliable in the hands of “strong” bureaucracies? I think the Romans called this method “Bread and Circuses”…

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