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The Marines Corps team is winning now! They’re about $200 ahead.
Where are all my Army supporters? Make sure to give generously, and let’s reclaim first place!!! Go Team Army!
Over at Soldiers Angels, they’re having a fundraiser for their Project Valour-IT program.
If you aren’t familiar, here’s a little background:
Project Valour-IT began when Charles “Chuck” Ziegenfuss was wounded by an IED while serving as commander of a tank company in Iraq in June 2005.
During his deployment he kept a blog (an online personal diary, opinion forum, or news analysis site-called a milblog or military weblog when written by a servicemember or about military subjects). Captivating writing, insightful stories of his experiences, and his self-deprecating humor won him many loyal readers. After he was wounded, his wife continued his blog, keeping his readers informed of his condition.
As he began to recover, CPT Ziegenfuss wanted to return to writing his blog, but serious hand injuries hampered his typing. When a loyal and generous reader gave him a copy of the Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred software, other readers began to realize how important such software could be to CPT Ziegenfuss’ fellow wounded soldiers and started cast about for a way to get it to them.
A fellow blogger (blog author) who writes under the pseudonym FbL contacted Captain Ziegenfuss and the two realized they shared a vision of providing laptops with voice-controlled software to wounded soldiers whose injuries prevented them from operating a standard computer. FbL contacted Soldiers Angels, who offered to help develop the project, and Project Valour-IT was born.
In sharing their thoughts, CPT Ziegenfuss and FbL found that memories of their respective fathers were a motivating factor in their work with the project. Both continue their association with this project in memory of the great men in their lives whose fine examples taught them lasting lessons of courage and generosity.
A great charity, without a doubt.
Now, to make things fun…
Soldiers Angels has split up the donations into four teams: Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force. First team to $60k “wins”. Of course, all the money goes to the same place, but it’s so much more fun this way. 😉
Michelle Malkin is on the Marine Corps team, Hot Air is on the Air Force Team, Captain’s Quarters is on the Navy team, and I, of course, have joined the Army team (headed up by Blackfive), along with Major Ziegenfuss. The Army team, by the way, is winning!! Go Army! 🙂
What’s interesting, as Michelle noted, is the noticeable lack of lefty blogs. Where’s their support for the troops now? What about the head Kos Kid himself, Mr. Markos Moulitsas, who loves to remind us constantly of his service in the Army? Why hasn’t he joined the Army team and made a donation? He certainly hasn’t made any posts about it (a search for Soldiers Angels brought up two stories, neither of which were about the fundraiser. Project Valour-IT brought up zero results.). There’s plenty of posts about protesting the war though, of course. Support the troops, indeed.
But in any case, go join the team of your choice (or just join the best team, Team Army!). Give, give, give! It’s for a GREAT cause!
That is almost more smile than I can handle. You look fetching in the sun.
I don’t recall if I posted this before (It gets blurry after 50 or 60 posts a day) but I’m working to get the word out on this:
The author of I Wanna Go Home, Karridine, has authorized me to give away 1,000 free copies of the song to our men and women in the military for personal use only. However, recipients of a free copy can let anybody listen to it if they want. Members of the military can put it on their i-pod, use it on their computer, or make one CD.
You can find out how to get a free copy at 1,000 Free Copies.
If you want a copy for review e-mail me. My e-mail address is on the sidebar.
I don’t have posting privileges at the blog you linked to, but they should know that the standard for a sidebar is 150 pixels wide.
200 pixels will bleed into the main area – depending on the blog software.
Contact “Karl Egenberger” of Envision Design/ Plum Creative Associates. He likes helping out on these kinds of projects. He did the Porkbusters Logo and I Support Democracy in Iraq logos. His contact info is at the link. He is a good guy. A very good guy.
I can’t get those tiles to post on Live Journal… I’m upset by this.
We’re up by a little over a grand.