The hero of Fort Hood

The hero of Fort Hood

With all the talk of the Fort Hood shooter, I think it’s important to also recognize someone else. She’s the hero of Fort Hood, a civilian who showed incredible bravery and strength under pressure, and certainly saved the lives of countless more people by stopping Nidall Malik Hasan. She is Sgt. Kimberly Munley, the hero of Fort Hood, and someone you should know.

The hero cop who ended the bloody rampage at Fort Hood by pumping four bullets into the crazed gunman even though she was wounded is known for her toughness, friends say.

… Munley’s toughness and grace under pressure were on display Thursday when she and her partner responded within three minutes of reported gunfire, said Army Lt. Gen. Bob Cone.

Munley, who had been trained in active-response tactics, rushed into the building and confronted the shooter as he was turning a corner, Cone said.

“It was an amazing and an aggressive performance by this police officer,” Cone said.

Munley was only a few feet from Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan when she opened fire.

Wounded in the exchange of bullets, the 34-year-old Munley was reported in stable condition at a local hospital.

This is Sgt. Munley:


Without the actions of Sgt. Munley, Hasan undoubtedly would have killed more people. He wasn’t going to stop until he was forced to stop, and I believe he was fully prepared to die yesterday. Kimberly Munley is a hero — and one badass chick, too. She deserves just as much attention as the worthless pile of you-know-what who committed this attrocity is getting, if not more. Be sure to give her your gratitude, and keep her in your prayers for a quick recovery.

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  • Rick Swift says:

    It’s like something out of a bad movie, but I can just see her saying “screw the backup” and taking care of business. She is a freaking hero, hands down!

  • Mark says:

    Cass, that photo of you packing heat is especially poignant in regards to this post. Fairer sex my a**!!!

    God bless and a quick recovery to Sgt. Munley. Her actions saved countless lives and put this coward in his place.

  • JW M says:

    Hearing about Sgt. Kimberly Munley renews my faith. I hope she is properly recognized.

  • Q says:

    No mention of this heroine on any of the big feminist sites.

    Strange, that.

    Actually, I guess it’s not.

  • mj says:

    While waiting for a bus last night, I heard someone say, “He’s someone’s son” in sympathy to the murderer. Sergeant Munley is someone’s daughter, too. What an amazing, courageous woman they raised!

  • Mat says:

    mj, not to mention that the others who were killed or wounded also had families.

  • Roger says:

    Write your congress person and governor and demand that Sgt. Munley and the other heroes and the fallen of Fort Hood be granted the proper recognition. Sgt. Munley deserves the Silver Star and Purple Heart. Everyone killed or wounded in the ambush has earned the Purple Heart. What happened at Fort Hood is no different than what happens in Iraq and Afghanistan on a daily basis. The location of the engagement does not mater. What matters is this country needs to come to grips with who the ‘hostile forces’ are.

    I served in Vietnam and was a police officer for 9 years before being retired. Sgt. Munley renews my faith in the two uniforms I wore and the oath I took twice to defend the Constitution.

  • Mat says:

    Actually, wasn’t there another officer that shot Hasan as well?

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    From the fine article:

    Munley, a civilian cop employed by the Army, was recovering at the hospital Friday and was unavailable for comment, but she was doing well enough to take several calls from friends.

    Sadly, she’s not eligible for military awards.

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