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So, it’s the beginning of the new year, meaning it’s “award season” in the blogosphere. And there’s a new one on the block! The 2009 Ladyblog Awards, and you are in charge of nominating the finalists. SO, what I would really, really, really love is for all of you to go and nominate me for the best Conservative Politics Blogger! But don’t stop there. You can also nominate your favorite ladyblogger in other areas too, like religion, parenting, and pop culture.
In case you aren’t familiar with it already, Ladyblog is a great blog that features writing from some of my favorite female bloggers, like Ericka Andersen, E.M. Zanotti, and Fausta Wertz. SO, go check out Ladyblog, and while you’re at it, nominate me (or, I guess, any other female blogger you really like, like Melissa Clouthier or Rachel Lucas) for a Ladyblog Award!
Ok Cass, done.
Your wish is my command… *sigh*
Michael Hamm reporting for duty.
okay Cassy, done…Lily wants to know why you want an award for Ladybugs:)
Why, in Heavens name would you want to lower your
status by soliciting recognition in a “special”
category like Ladyblogs?
What? Are the tee markers set closer to the target
of actual merited integrity or something?
Avoid it, compete on the open melee field, with
no quarter for a “special” made-up ladies division.
Unless, of course, you’re HAPPY to demean yourself with a
“special” short bus accolade. Kinda like the self appointed, feel good, young radical feminist blog “awards”.
Inquiring minds demand better.