Sarah Palin spoke at this weekend’s 2014 Western Conservative Summit in Denver doing what she does best: speaking directly to conservatives and Americans from across flyover country. Her speech, which completely fired up the crowd, was on a wide variety of topics including the illegal immigration swarm and crisis in veterans services. She especially addressed the “dereliction of duty” from Barack Obama. Her words? Epic. Here’s a few Palin zingers:
“These days you hear all of these politicians, they denounce Barack Obama, saying he’s a lawless imperial and ignores court orders and changes laws by fiat and refuses to enforce laws he just doesn’t like,” she said.
“That’s true. But the question is, “Hey politicians, what are you going to do about it?'” Palin said, as the crowd in the Hyatt Regency ballroom roared.
“If Obama won’t do his job and enforce the borders then it’s not immigration, it’s invasion,” she said.
“We’re not going to dethrone God and substitute Him with someone who wants to play God,” she also said.
She also talked impeachment, again.
“No serious person can deny President Obama has violated the constitution.”
She made her argument for impeaching Obama by listing as “high crimes and misdemeanors” his illegal changes to ObamaCare, the IRS targeting of conservatives, the DOJ targeting reporters, and the VA killing veterans.
“Obama has made himself a ruler, and not a president…. By not defending our borders, he’s violated his oath of office.
“If that’s not impeachable, then nothing is,’ she said to generous applause. ‘And if he’s not impeachable, no one is.”
She ended her speech by declaring:
“We had a revolution in 1776 because we don’t do kings.”
Here’s Sarah Palin’s full speech from the 2014 Western Conservative Summit, with the “We don’t do Kings” comment at around the 28:09 mark:
Principles before politics.
Sarah Palin threw fearless punches at feckless Obama, rabid liberals, and Vichy Republicans that landed HARD. Sarah articulated beautifully what most Americans believe, and brought down the house like she always does. She represents everything libtards hate in conservative women: beauty, family, guns, faith, liberty, and brains. And as with any speech Sarah gives, it’s only a matter of time before liberal heads explode over this Palin speech, too. They just can’t help themselves.
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