As I was busy driving around town, researching info for a new personal future today, I was contemplating if I was wasting my time and my gas. Seriously, with the cost of everything going up, is NOW the time to start a new business? Will WWIII come at us like a meteor in a Sci-Fi movie? Will anything matter if we don’t survive the next few months, let alone another three years of The Bidenocolypse? And then, I have the ghost of Rush Limbaugh in my head reminding me to be the happy warrior. To not give in. It ain’t over ’til it’s over. We’re not losers until we admit defeat. With that in mind, I smiled at the AP article out of Austin today: Texas flagged 27,000 mail ballots for rejection in the March 1st primary election. The authors’ breathy assertions of voter suppression fly off the page like the dramatic ‘dun dun dunn’ in an old horror movie. Yet instead, the news relays just how Texas’s (and other states) new mail in rules validate security laws passed since the 2020 election.
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