In case you missed it, Mr. Obama has embarked upon a coast-to-coast We’ve Created Gazillions of Jobs in the Past Six Years Tour, patting himself on the back for what he claims is economic recovery, preparing us for his proposed budget spouting his old and tired liberal ideas of more taxes, more spending, and more borrowing. And while it’s true that many jobs have been recovered since the economic downturn starting under the Bush Administration, Mr. Zero left out one little fact: Reportedly “all employment growth since 2000 went to immigrants,” both legal and otherwise. And now we are finding out, via a FOIA request from the Center for Immigration Studies, that the Obama Administration is running what’s being labeled as a “Shadow Immigration System,” awarding work permits to far more foreign workers than Congress has mandated, many of whom were not authorized to receive them. Which, falling in line with the rampant lawlessness that is the hallmark of this administration, circumvents Congress and appears illegal. Ryan Lovelace over at the National Review Onlinehas the scoop:
“More than 5.46 million foreign nationals have received work permits from the federal government since 2009, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies. Data uncovered from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency reveal that approximately 982,000 work permits were given to illegal immigrants and other foreign nationals unqualified for admission, most of whom crossed the border without inspection. USCIS is the agency within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for issuing work permits and processing applications related to President Obama’s executive action on immigration. On Tuesday, the Senate is scheduled to vote on a bill that funds DHS, while blocking funding that would allow USCIS to implement the president’s executive action.
The remarkable number of work permits granted by the federal government to law-breaking aliens better explains how all net jobs growth since 2007 has gone to immigrants. The government issued approximately 1.7 million work permits since 2009 to aliens whose status was not known, not recorded, or not disclosed by USCIS, according to the report. The report says employment is not authorized by law for approximately 1.2 million immigrants who collected work permits while having a temporary visa status. And the data show that approximately 1,200 new work permits went to unlawful entrants who were denied asylum, were suspected of using fraudulent documentation, were stowaways, or were refused at a port of entry.”
In response, Senator Jeff Sessions is calling for an investigation. Which begs the questions: Are there members of Congress complicit in this scheme? How is it being funded? Will we ever learn the whole truth?
Photo Credit Reuters
“This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans pushed out of the workforce,” Sessions said in a statement Monday. “All jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5,000 in that time…
A full investigation is warranted. In addition to the widespread non-enforcement of existing immigration law—such as the public charge rule—we know now the Administration has been issuing millions of additional work permits beyond what Congress has authorized,” he said.
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