According to Comey, ISIS has influenced a “significant number” of Americans through a year-long social media campaign that urged those Muslims who can’t travel to the Middle East to “kill where you are.” The FBI Director acknowledged that the group has more than 21,000 English-language Twitter followers worldwide, and that the FBI has arrested or detained a significant number of people over the last few weeks who had been radicalized.
When asked if the threat the Islamic State poses to United States security had eclipsed that of Al Qaeda, Comey simple said, “Yes.”
This news isn’t exactly shocking. ISIS has inspired dozens of Americans to travel to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside them, and the number of radicalized, ISIS sympathizers continues to grow on a global scale.
Comey said that Islamic State is a bigger threat than Al Qaeda because the type of person ISIS is willing to recruit is very different. Al Qaeda doesn’t want drug abusers or mentally deranged individuals, but ISIS isn’t as selective and often targets those that are unstable.
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