Gun grabbing Marxists intent on relieving us of our natural rights have been scrambling for years to debunk the claim that a “good guy with a gun” can save lives and stop a massacre. The latest ridiculous “research” claims “states that made it easier for their citizens to go armed in public had higher levels of non-fatal violent crime than those states that restricted the right to carry.” I won’t go into the weeds on the faulty reasoning in this particular “study,” but I will point out that existing evidence contradicts the vast amount of disingenuous sewage it contains.
Fact is good guys with guns do stop crimes.
In 2007 Jeanne Assam saved countless lives at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado by dispatching a shooter who opened fire on the congregation as people were exiting the church.
In 2014, Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and Vaughan Foods chief operating officer, used his personal firearm to wound Alton Nolen, who beheaded a woman at the food processing plant in Oklahoma.
In 2012, an 18-year-old Oklahoma mother saved the lives of her baby and herself after a knife-wielding intruder attempted to enter her mobile home shortly after her husband died of lung cancer. Sarah McKinley fired, killing one suspect and scaring off the other intruder.
In 2012, a 71-year-old Florida man saved the lives of many at an internet cafe when robbers entered the cafe with weapons. Samuel Williams pulled out his gun and scared off the suspects.
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