Transgender “Suicide Card” Extortion

Transgender “Suicide Card” Extortion

Young adults and teenagers who claim to be transgender are being counseled to play the “suicide card” to extort the world around them. You have heard of counselors asking, “Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?” The teenage and young adult years are fraught. They are fraught with anger, depression, sadness, fear and insecurity. The last thing these fragile people need is someone putting the idea of suicide into their heads and encouraging them to use the “suicide card” as a form of extortion to get “gender-affirming care”.

Thanks to social media, especially TikTok, transgenderism is growing exponentially. It doesn’t help when the Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, M.D. says that ALL on board with “gender-affirming care”. If you are “gender-affirming care” hesitant, you are a transphobic old fogey and the “suicide card” will be played against you. Your precious son or daughter, if you don’t allow gender-affirming care immediately, WILL commit suicide and it will be your fault. A new article argues that this is the weaponization of kindness and extortion. The article in The Federalist is “With The ‘Suicide Card,’ Transgender Activists Weaponize Kindness” and it begins with a tragic tale:

When public school counselors meet with parents to discuss cases of gender identity confusion, they often warn that a transgender child is better than a dead child. This is not just a weaponization of kindness and sympathy. It is extortion.
When Kobe was 13, for example, adults online reportedly told him to “play the suicide card” to get chemical trans interventions. He explains, “I started using, like, ‘the suicide tactics,’ because that’s what they are. That’s what they tell us all to do. … I don’t want to use the word ‘groom,’ but we are, like, taught.”

Kobe followed the instructions of his handlers, and it worked. His tragic journey resulted in castration and a heart full of regret. Like many other detransitioners, Kobe cautions against wrongly named “gender-affirming” care for children: “I was expecting it to help me, help my mental health, and it didn’t do anything. I just wasted so much time, and all I did really was become a medical patient for life.”

The social media warriors and medical professionals pay no price for the “suicide tactics” they “groom” these young folks to use. The young people and parents pay for a lifetime because of this emotional blackmail. The child/teenager/young adult has altered his/her life forever and guilted his/her folks in the most high stakes way. The parents regret for no being stronger is just as emotionally damaging.

The activist, the one who glued herself to the floor, wore a t-shirt suggesting that you are weaponizing death or suicide if you don’t catapult a “. child directly into “gender-affirming care. Which is it really “gender-affirming care” if it is at odds with physical reality. Maybe, before chemical castration and mastectomy, young people should try therapy. Gender-affirming care may be the end result, but you should exhaust all other option.

Ella Whelan is also right that all of the suicide talk speaks into action what we fear most. For Kobe:

Kobe followed the instructions of his handlers, and it worked. His tragic journey resulted in castration and a heart full of regret. Like many other detransitioners, Kobe cautions against wrongly named “gender-affirming” care for children: “I was expecting it to help me, help my mental health, and it didn’t do anything. I just wasted so much time, and all I did really was become a medical patient for life.”
Kobe’s story shines a light on the pervasive problem of the so-called “transgender rights” movement. Activists are using children to weaponize the kindness of well-meaning parents and adults.

About that suicide card:

Many experts disagree with the premise of this emotional extortion. For example, 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries published a letter in The Wall Street Journal on July 13, arguing that transgender medical interventions do not increase well-being and reduce suicide, contrary to the claim of Stephen Hammes, president of the Endocrine Society. The medical experts write:
Dr. Hammes’s claim that gender transition reduces suicides is contradicted by every systematic review, including the review published by the Endocrine Society, which states, ‘We could not draw any conclusions about death by suicide.’ There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure.

It’s going to be hard to turn this around with medical and pharmaceuticals so invested, but the Epoch Times recently had an article that gives hope:

The Unseen Side of Transitioning
“Would you rather have a living daughter or a dead son?” This fearmongering phrase is commonly used to manipulate parents into supporting their child’s “gender-affirming care.”
In Rey’s experience, “gender-affirming care” is sold as the only solution to improve the mental health of individuals struggling with gender dysphoria. Yet “gender-affirming care” can exacerbate mental health problems rather than improve them. “When the façade goes away and you see that you can’t really be the opposite sex, it begins to wear on you. It sets you up for a lot of disappointment,” Rey said.

Hidden behind the social glitz of transitioning is the common experience of post-surgical depression. When procedures do not go as planned, or results are not as expected, patients can become severely depressed. Rey experienced depression after a mastectomy that resulted in an infection and permanent nerve damage.
The gender affirmation care industry advertises dedicated support. However, once the damage is done, Rey said, the abandonment begins. “There’s so much care for you when you’re transitioning, but once it’s done with, [the doctors] cast you away.”

If someone tries to emotionally extort you with the suicide card or other self harm, that the time to start asking questions. That would be a kindness.

featured Image: giveawayboy/ Commons

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