Scotland Votes, Polls Close, the Counting Begins

Be prepared for a long evening as Scotland starts counting the votes on their independence referendum vote. While the “yes” group has made a huge surge in the last few weeks, victory is not a certain thing.

Polls suggest the result was too close to call. A final Ipsos MORI poll released Thursday put support for the No side at 53 percent and Yes at 47 percent. The phone survey of 991 people has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

The Scots were allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote in this referendum as well, and turnout was estimated to be excellent as some 97% of the eligible population were registered to vote.

A “yes” vote would begin an 18 month process of detangling England and Scotland from a 300-year union that has always had deep historical resentments involved. But a “yes” vote will create issues of its own – mainly the fact that Scotland may not be financially prepared to continue on with the status quo, and may need to change its currency from pounds sterling to the euro.

As the vote counting begins, I highly advise everyone to stay away from CNN’s reportage.

Victory Girls will continue to update this post as results come in.

UPDATE 18:33 PDT – The results have followed the exit polls.

Queen Elizabeth II, who is currently in Scotland at Balmoral Castle, will be issuing a statement tomorrow regarding these results.

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Ava Gardner