Sarah Palin’s NRA “Stand and Fight” Rally Speech and Weekend Links

As one of the keynote speakers at yesterday’s NRA Members meeting, held in Indianapolis, Sarah Palin did what she does best: speaking directly to conservatives and Americans from flyover country. Her speech was primarily on the importance of the Second Amendment and why gun control advocates are wrong…gun control advocates like Attorney General Eric Holder. She had some choice words for him.

“Attorney General Eric Holder recently he reveals this idea to have government have gun owners wear bracelets, special bracelets that would identify you as a gun owner. Well, hey Holder. You don’t want to go there buddy…”

You can watch the full 12-minute video of Sarah Palin’s speech at the NRA “Stand and Fight” Rally, below.

And on cue, as with any speech Sarah gives, liberal heads explode. They seem to really dislike her comment “If I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.” Heh. That was probably a double-head explosion for them: waterboarding and a President Palin! Sorry, guys, Sarah doesn’t “froth” — but you keep trying, K?

Watch the video. Once again, Sarah articulated beautifully what most Americans believe, and brought down the house.

Our “Weekend Links” are below the fold!

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Ava Gardner