Former Clinton staffer James Carville (aka “Serpenthead“) spilled some beans on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’S This Week by claiming that Hillary Clinton set up a private email server because, as he put it, “I suspect she didn’t want [Republican congressman] Louie Gohmert rifling through her emails, which seems to me to be a kind of reasonable position for someone to take” — even though congressional oversight of the Secretary of State is perfectly legal.

Now we find out that Louie Gohmert is the least of the potential snoopers. According to a computer blogger who runs a spam filtering service, the employees at the spam filter service used by Hillary had access to all her all her classified State Department emails — unencrypted.
The blogger, Marc Perkel, wrote that Hillary used the spam filtering service MxLogic — now owned by McAfee — which would clean up incoming email for spam and filter it prior to sending it on to her server. Here’s the scary part, in Perkel’s own words:
Internet —–> MxLogic ——> Hillary’s Server
What this means is that when Obama or anyone in the State Department emailed Hillary, the email went to MxLogic. It was then decrypted, checked for spam and viruses, and then reencrypted and sent over the open internet to Hillary’s server. While it was at MxLogic it could be read, tapped, archived, or forwarded to anyone in the world without anyone knowing.
Remember the North Korea hack job on Sony late last year? That’s diddley compared to the potential security breach which could’ve happened had some MxLogic employee been bribed by, say, Russia, or North Korea. Or maybe Julian Assange at WikiLeaks.
In case you’re wondering if Perkel blogged this information about the flimsy security of Hillary’s private server because he’s a partisan conservative — well, put that notion to rest. Perkel claims that he’s always been a Clinton supporter, and “would still vote for her in the general election over any Republican.” He adds that his dream candidate is Elizabeth Warren but would ‘settle for Biden’ — which tells you a lot about his far-left world view. Just because you’re a nerdy brainiac doesn’t mean you have common sense, I guess.
Legal Insurrection is reporting that the House of Representatives is considering action over EmailGate. Let’s move, Speaker John Boehner. This may be the Achilles heel of the less politically adept member of the Bill & Hillary Clinton power house, the team who think rules apply to everyone else but themselves.
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