Oh, dear. It’s Bad Blood. Tart-tongued feminist Camille Paglia has dared to criticize pop singer Taylor Swift and her Girl Squad, and as a result has received bitter backlash from Taylor Girl Squad Wannabe followers.
Taylor Swift (second from right) attends the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards on August 30, 2015. Credit: inquisitr.com
Paglia in part wrote:
In our wide-open modern era of independent careers, girl squads can help women advance if they avoid presenting a silly, regressive public image — as in the tittering, tongues-out mugging of Swift’s bear-hugging posse. Swift herself should retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine of wheeling out friends and celebrities as performance props, an exhibitionistic overkill that Lara Marie Schoenhals brilliantly parodied in her scathing viral video “Please Welcome to the Stage.”
Yes, Paglia dared use the word “Nazi.” Despite the fact that the bulk of Paglia’s essay was sympathetic to the unique problems that women endure when they achieve the pinnacle of popular culture, as has Swift (she noted that “Young women performers are now at the mercy of a swarming, intrusive paparazzi culture, intensified by the hypersexualization of our flesh-baring fashions”), it was the N-label that caused fans to fly into a tizzy rather than contemplate the worth of Paglia’s essay.
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