Viewers and fans of TLC’s program 19 Kids and Counting, a reality show based upon the exceptionally large family of fundamentalist Christians Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, were shocked to hear that oldest son Joshua Duggar had confessed to molesting underage girls while he was a teenager. Duggar has since resigned his position as executive director of an activist division of the Family Research Council, and 19 Kids and Counting has been pulled from the air by TLC.
The scandal didn’t bother me. I never watched the program, and to be honest, the Duggars’ religious view of reproduction was creepy to me. I am a practicing Christian, but as a confessional Lutheran I don’t find their many of their beliefs to be compatible with mine.
However, the Left and Democrats have been rubbing their hands with glee. Look! they pant breathlessly. Look at all the Republicans who have taken pictures with the pervert Josh Duggar! Mike Huckabee! (who has also voiced his support.) Rick Santorum! Sarah Palin! Jeb Bush! Rick Perry! Ted Cruz! Bobby Jindal! Rand Paul!
How unseemly. Even über-radical gay activist Dan Savage found the Democrat cackling to be unsettling, especially when considering that there are victims of Duggar.
Ah, but those of us of who came of age in the 1970’s have the advantage of years and memories of Democrats who aligned themselves with some pretty unsavory characters as well.
Remember the Rev. Jim Jones of the 1978 Jonestown Temple massacre, whose victims were the original “Kool-Aid drinkers?” The Reverend Jim Jones and his San Francisco-based Peoples’ Temple were a favorite of California Democrats. Here’s Jones with California governor Jerry Brown:
And here’s then-First Lady Roslynn Carter with Jim Jones:
Speaking of Roslynn Carter, she had a tendency to rub elbows with other perverts populating the Democratic party. Here she is with serial killer John Wayne Gacy.
John Wayne Gacy was a Chicago serial killer who murdered 33 boys from 1972 to 1978 and stuffed them in the crawlspace of his home. He was also active in Chicago Democratic politics.
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