Five Reasons I Am Thrilled The Senate Advanced DeVos Nomination To The Senate [VIDEO]

Five Reasons I Am Thrilled The Senate Advanced DeVos Nomination To The Senate [VIDEO]

Yesterday the Senate voted along party lines to send President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s confirmation to a vote early next week. Now last week my fellow VG Gail wrote about Mrs. DeVos and asked whether she was a good or bad choice for education. Clearly the Democrats, especially Chuck Schumer (D-NY), think that she is “the worst nominee ever” since not one of them voted for her. Big shock. As a resident of the state whose teachers union pays more per teacher to political causes than any other ($400 per teacher per year) I am not surprised. I have watched the public employees unions rake the state over the coals time and time again (causing a multi-billion dollar shortfall in the state’s budget). I suspect that the teachers unions in Sharon Collins’ (R-AZ) and Lisa Murkowski’s  (R-AK) states got to them on this nominee since Mrs. DeVos represents a threat to the status quo-which is largely failing our children.

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Ava Gardner