So Obama thinks we can defeat ISIS with a coalition of “frenemies” and without putting American boots on the ground. We have been engaging in “pinprick” drone attacks against ISIS for the past few months and that doesn’t seem to be slowing down their murderous rampage across the Middle East. According to multiple analysts, including newspaper The Hill, the Administration had the chance to get ahead of the ISIS threat by initiating drone strikes against them six months prior to the beheading of two American journalists this summer. According to an article written this summer by Kristina Wong at The Hill:
“During a hearing on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) said the administration knew six months ago that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) had established armed camps, staging areas and training grounds in Iraq’s western desert and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was threatening to attack the U.S. “However, what the Administration did not say was that the Iraqi government had been urgently requesting drone strikes against ISIS camps since August 2013,” Royce continued.
“These repeated requests, unfortunately, were turned down,” he said. “I added my voice for drone strikes as ISIS convoys raced across the desert.”

On September 18th Chairman Royce has called for a hearing on the Hill to question Secretary of State Kerry on the Administration’s strategy on ISIS. The release on the House’s website indicates that Mr. Royce understands the threat posed by ISIS is very real and should be taken seriously and that he understands that, well, the Administration just doesn’t get it.
“This terrorist group – born of al-Qaeda but more sophisticated – presents a grave threat to the United States and our allies. While it’s hard to understand how anyone is attracted to its barbaric ideology, some are, including Americans, raising the threat. Having beheaded two Americans, this vicious group needs to be rooted out, both in Iraq and Syria. It is right to target ISIS from the air, while local Arab and Kurdish forces are trained and armed to battle on the ground, but Syria can’t be a sanctuary from U.S. and allied air strikes. Air strikes and local training and equipping are the right tools, as U.S. infantry shouldn’t be sent into this fight. Tonight was a start, but it remains to be seen whether the Administration, after much delay and denial, develops and executes the sustained commitment needed to destroy ISIS by building a powerful coalition against these brutal jihadists.”
This week Saudi Arabia has announced their plans to help train and equip moderate opposition forces in Syria. Considering the kingdom rules itself according to Wahhabi principles, which are outlined below, I doubt whether or not the Saudis could correctly identify a “moderate opposition force” in the Syrian conflict if one walked up and slapped them in the face with a strip of bacon.
“No object of worship other than God.
Rejection of the use of holy intermediaries to win the favor of God.
No name but God’s to be cited in prayer.These three principles are the basis of the zealous Wahhabi rejection of saints or icons, Muslim or otherwise. The Taliban’s decision this year to destroy ancient statues of Buddha was influenced by Wahhabi backers.
A literal belief in the Quran.
A belief in the establishment of a Muslim state based only on Shariah, Muslim law.
A fervent rejection of all innovations not directly advancing Islam. In the 20th century, Wahhabi religious leaders accepted radio as a means of spreading Islam, but at least initially rejected television as a corrupting medium.
No smoking, shaving or abusive language.
The rejection of leadership roles for women.
Mosque architecture is minimalist, lacking ornamentation or minarets.
Men must attend public prayer“

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