We already know that TSA (which stands for Testicle Searchers of America and 37 other fantastic things) has taken invasion of privacy to a new level. It’s not enough that they’ve forced us into naked searches via body scanners and felt us up like they paid for it, but now they’re diving into far more than just your underwear. A few weeks ago, it became news that they’re checking into a whole list of things—and if you have a blog that doesn’t like the federal government, have a web history they don’t like, or owe back taxes, you don’t get to fly. I’m guessing I’m going to need to cancel those vacation plans. The best part is, if you make it onto the No-Fly list for your subversive conservative, limited-government beliefs, you won’t know, and you won’t be able to get off of it.
Fast forward to now. Computer programmer Evan Booth, in an effort to prove that all of this snooping does jack squat to make us safer, made a gun that is fully functional and would make it onto an aircraft–and he did it all with materials he bought AFTER he went through airport security. The project would take a bit of work, but who hasn’t spent a long time in an airport bathroom re-doing hair/makeup, cleaning up, or digging through luggage for some item that you Must Have Right Now?
The gun works—and it shoots a handful of change hard enough to go through sheet rock. Enough to bring down an airliner? Probably not, if you only had one. What if you had ten passengers with evil intent and one of these? What about 20?
Point: If someone is hellbent on being evil, they’re going to find a way to be evil. The Trained Sodomy Administrators and all their Constitutional disregard do not make us safer. Then again, maybe it’s not really meant to. Have you ever really looked around at a security checkpoint? What do you see? Hundreds of people, being herded. Take your shoes off. Put your belongings in bins to be inspected. Maybe we will steal it as we inspect it. Take your coat off. You can’t wear this. You can’t have that. Stand here. Hold your arms this way. Show me your papers. I’m going to take negative photographs of you naked now. I am going to touch your genitals because I can. I am going to open your property and see what you have.
There is a timeline to this. Find out what else is coming. Then decide…how long will you be silent? When does it become time to act?
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