For those of you who have been following the insane spectacle that is the Rachel Dolezal story, we have a new gem for you. It seems that Ms. Dolezal is also an Adjunct Professor in the Africana Studies program at Eastern Washington University (yes, dear reader, you read that correctly) where she has written academic papers on such topics as “Black Women In Visual Culture: Reformatting The Roles“.

It also seems that she prevented a white anti-racism scholar named Tim Wise from coming to the school to present since, in her words, “White people have no business discussing racism”. In retrospect it sounds odd, don’t you think? I personally found Mr. Wise’s response to the department head’s admission that Ms. Dolezal was the one who had objected to his speaking the best part of this story.
“There’s a professor in the Africana Studies department who doesn’t think you should come and speak because, as a white person, you have no authority to speak about racism or issues that affect black people,” Wise told International Business Times he was informed by the department head.”
He learned who that professor was on the same day that the original Dolezal story broke according to the International Business Times.
“For a real black person to have that perspective, although I disagree, I understand it,” Wise told IBTimes. “But for this woman to say I don’t have the authority as a white person [to talk about racism], it’s like, well, I guess if I put on a spray tan and pretend to be black, she would say, OK, please come on down.”
As if that isn’t comical enough, Ms. Dolezal has gone on the record objecting to many “white people” who she feels profit off of the stories of black people. Like the author of the New York Times best selling book “The Help” (also a major movie), Kathryn Stockett, who Dolezal describes as “a white woman making millions off of a black womans story”. Frankly, Ms. Dolezal, I would be careful with that characterization-after all you are now in negotiations for your own reality show. So, really, in a few years with television audiences being what they are these days, someone could say the same about you!

It seems that Ms. Dolezal has been an equal opportunity offender on the topic of race while working at Eastern Washington University. In January of this year, a black Puerto Rican activist and former Green Party candidate named Rosa Clemente came to campus to speak. At a faculty dinner the night prior to Ms. Clemente’s talk the topic of the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement came up and Ms. Dolezal expressed her opinion that the BLM movement should be for African Americans only. Ms. Clemente disagreed, but Tim Wise stole the show with this comment on the topic:
“There are black Latinas, which apparently Rachel Dolezal doesn’t get. They’re not mutually exclusive categories. This is someone who seeks to police the boundaries of blackness — and she makes sure that she’s within the circle.”
Considering that Ms. Dolezal’s color only comes from Mystic spray tan, I would say that perhaps she should re-evaluate her ability to speak on matters of race relations and whether or not #BlackLivesMatter. Since my 1/16th of native Pacific Islander blood makes me more “of color” then Ms. Dolezal I feel perfectly comfortable telling her that until she figures out who she is perhaps she should just get out of the limelight because she is only embarassing herself.

In the meantime, perhaps we could all revisit the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I look to the day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.”

Or, in some cases, their lack of character.
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