Paul Manafort: Money Laundering And Conspiracy Against U.S. But ZERO Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO]

Paul Manafort: Money Laundering And Conspiracy Against U.S. But ZERO Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO]

On Friday CNN gleefully reported that Robert Mueller, he with Uranium One mud all over him, was going to indict TWO people on Monday. Yayyyy! We.Got.Trump! was the narrative the entire rest of the weekend. *Side note, who broke the law and leaked the news of the indictments to CNN? Anyhooo… It seems that Paul Manafort was the bad dude the left and media made him out to be.

He drove from his home in Alexandria, Virginia this morning and walked into the FBI headquarters at 8:15 am to turn himself over to the authorities.

Here are the 12 counts of indictment:

  • Conspiracy against the United States
  • Conspiracy to launder money
  • Unregistered agent of a foreign principal
  • Fale and misleading FARA statements
  • False statements
  • Seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

You can read the indictments against Paul Manafort and Richard Gates here or here.

For everyone who is ready to jump on the WE GOT TRUMP HE COLLUDED ZOMG I KNEW IT!!! bandwagon…not so fast buckaroos.  

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Ava Gardner