WikiLeaks Reveals “Bill Clinton Inc” and More Fun with Clinton Pay for Play [VIDEO]

WikiLeaks Reveals “Bill Clinton Inc” and More Fun with Clinton Pay for Play [VIDEO]

Ever wonder how the Clintons got so rich? The Arkansas Grifters who claimed they were “dead broke” after leaving the White House?

WikiLeaks reveals all.

In a 2011 memo, Doug Band, top aide to Bill Clinton, outlined how he and his consulting firm Teneo were key players in the enrichment of the Clinton Crime family.


Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation from Teneo’s own clients, including top tier names such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola, and then pressed the companies to also provide financial perks to Bill Clinton. These perks also included, as Band described, “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like” for what Band called “Bill Clinton Inc.”

Another company, global education firm Laureate International Universities, began paying Clinton directly after first becoming a Clinton Foundation donor. Teneo also helped establish a relationship between Clinton and UBS Global Wealth Management, which also paid Bill Clinton for speeches, including $2 million for appearances between 2011 and 2015.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe and company were appalled at the brazenness of Bill Clinton Inc. Mika Brezezenski called it “gross.”

If you’re thinking this constitutes a conflict of interest, Doug Band thought so, too. From his leaked memo to John Podesta:

“I signed a conflict of interest policy as a board member of cgi [the Clinton Global Initiative]. Teneo represents 4 cgi sponsors, 3 of which teneo brought to cgi. Oddly, wjc [William Jefferson Clinton] does not have to sign such a document even though he is personally paid by 3 cgi sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, some that are at home.”

Here the Clinton modus operandi on display once again: the rules apply to everyone else but them.

Credit: legal

John Podesta is now in the crosshairs as well. Podesta’s sister-in-law, Heather Podesta, was hired by defense contractor Raytheon as a lobbyist in 2012. Raytheon was looking to expand its foreign military sales, which must be reviewed and approved by the State Department. Guess who was Secretary of State in 2012? Hillary Clinton, in her final year in that position.

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