Dana Perino Raps (Sort of) and Weekend Links!

“Inspired” by the way overrated Jay-Z and his rap about his recent trip to Cuba with his wife Beyonce, Dana Perino, the former George W. Bush press secretary and The Five Co-host, is rapping for the first time under the MC name “Tiny D Day-P.” Her partner-in-crime from The Five, Greg Gutfeld, called it “the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Oh, it was funny alright.

You can watch the video here:

Dear Dana,
We love you but don’t ever do that again.
Everybody 🙂


Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!

Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about “People Predicting Doom For Hurricane Season.” Go check it out!

Stacy over at The Other McCain has up a bunch of great blog posts including this one: “Anybody Else Starting to Suspect @AmandaMarcotte Eats Dead Babies?”

Phineas at Sister Toldjah has up a post on “Hide your IRAs: Obama admin. — “We think you’ve saved enough!”

Leslie Eastman at Legal Insurrection has up a terrific post today on “Blue Angels Grounded By Sequestration.” She has a good video too.

Emily at NakedDC has a blog post up on “Morning Report: Begging for a change.” 🙂

Dana at The First Street Journal has up a really good post called “What’s news?” Go check out their blog.

B5 over at Blackfive is blogging about “Three Team Rubicon Operations Underway This Weekend.” I love Team Rubicon! They do great work.

This Ain’t Hell has a bunch of great posts up today but I like this one by Jonn on “Gun grabbers worried about amendments to gun control bill.”

As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a terrific blog post called “TOTUS UNCHAINED: Justice At Last.” Great photos. 🙂

Instapundit has a lot of good blog reading up at his blog hub including this video on “Profits in Space! Entrepreneurs Are Scanning the Cosmos for Big Money.”

American Power also has up a great blog post on “The Los Angeles Times and the #Gosnell Blackout.” It’s a must read.

Jazz Shaw has a blog post up at Hot Air on “Don’t be fooled. Gun confiscation has already begun in NY.”

and finally, Open Blogger (Purp) at AoSHQ has up a fun blog post “Afternoon nerd wars thread.” Don’t forget to spend time in the comments. They are gold. 🙂

Have a great weekend!

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Ava Gardner