Obama, despite all the evidence, stubbornly insists that the U.S. is still winning the fight against ISIS:
“No, I don’t think we’re losing,” Obama said in an interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. “There’s no doubt there was a tactical setback.”
Lets think about that for a few minutes. The sitting President of the United States believes, against all facts to the contrary, that the moon is made of green cheese, he really did make a hole-in-one, and that the ISIS JV team continues to lose their games.
Never mind the fact that, two days before he spoke with Goldberg, ISIS took complete control of Ramadi. And, the day after his little chat, ISIS seized the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. I don’t know about you, but I’d say ISIS can chalk up two more wins in their column. The score for the U.S is… Zero. Oh wait! They are getting thank you tweets from ISIS! I kid you not:
Thanks to Obama’s lackluster approach to securing important cities in the war-torn Middle East, such as Ramadi, Islamic State militants were able to fully seize the western Iraqi city and began posting pictures on Twitter of what they gained in the form of weaponry — American equipment left behind by fleeing Iraqi forces.
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