Milwaukee County is considering boycotting Arizona over the recently passed immigration law. I still get annoyed that people are so angry about this. Heaven forbid we actually enforce our country’s immigration laws! Anyways, Milwaukee is apparently the newest group of moonbats ready to jump on the open borders bandwagon — interesting, considering (as William Teach points out) they have problems of their own to be worrying about, like a 9.3% unemployment rate. One would think Milwaukee should perhaps concentrate on their own problems rather than meddling in another state’s problems.
Anyways, the board supervisor, Peggy West, offered the stupidest reason ever to be against Arizona’s immigration law. It would be OK in Texas, see, because Texas borders Mexico. But, you know, Arizona is just, like, so far away from Mexico, and only border states should be worried about that.
There was an odd moment during the debate when Supervisor Peggy West stood up and seemed to be confused about her geography. “If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this saying that they had a major issue with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would have to look twice at this. But this is a state that is a ways removed from the border,” West said during debate.
Her colleague, Joe Rice, quickly corrected her, “I just want to assure my colleague that Arizona does in fact share a border with the country of Mexico.”
Here’s the video, courtesy of Michelle Malkin:
Arizona is “a ways removed from the border”?! And people are supposed to listen to her about this issue??
She did try to backtrack, saying that she passed high school and college geography and “misspoke”. Texas has a bigger border, that’s what she meant to say.
Well, Texas isn’t in quite the same situation as Arizona is, either. While yes, Texas has a larger border to contend with, Arizona is overwhelmed with crime. Phoenix has become the kidnapping capital of the United States. There are drug runners, human trafficking, murders, gang violence, assault, and more. The federal government has refused to address this problem, so what was Arizona supposed to do? The first job of the government is to protect its citizens, and the citizens of Arizona are under siege. Arizona legislators are doing their job.
And besides, why the uproar over a law that makes it a crime to be in this country illegally? Gee, what a concept — something illegal is a crime!
Meanwhile, this idiotic comment doesn’t go to the depths of Peggy West’s stupidity. Allah Pundit points out some more of her uninformed views:
Does this person really think that having a token force of National Guardsmen at the border somehow solves Arizona’s problem, particularly when they’re not authorized to stop illegals? And what’s the business near the end about Jan Brewer having a direct pipeline to Obama? When she first asked to meet with him, he turned her down; then, when he did meet with her, he made a pledge of new resources that he evidently has no intention of keeping. Exit question: Did West read anything about this issue before pushing for a boycott?
Obviously she didn’t. And doesn’t that sum up all of the opposition against the Arizona immigration law? They don’t understand it, they won’t read it, they just dismiss it because it’s mean. And so Arizona must be punished for having the backbone to stand up to illegal immigration and do the job that the federal government won’t do.
This Peggy West is a perfect spokesperson for opponents of the Arizona immigration bill: uninformed, idiotic open borders advocates with no grasp on reality at all.
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