August 19, 2014
For Ferguson, Obama Requests No Hollering
On Tuesday August 18, 2014, the President interrupted his vacation to deal with those pesky issues of Iraq and Ferguson. That darn work stuff just won’t go away ya’ll!
Anyhoo… A detached President Obama appeared at the podium in a blazer, no tie, and didn’t smile. I guess the big grins were reserved for earlier in the afternoon. Highlights of his remarks include letting us know that Attorney General Holder and the Director of the COPS program will be sent to St. Louis today, and a serious lecture.
“So, let me close just saying a few words about the tensions there. We have all seen images of protesters and law enforcement in the streets. It’s clear that the vast majority of people are peacefully protesting. What’s also clear is that a small minority of individuals are not.
While I understand the passions and the anger that arise over the death of Michael Brown, giving into that anger by looting or carrying guns, and even attacking the police only serves to raise tensions and stir chaos. It undermines rather than advancing justice.
Let me also be clear that our constitutional rights to speak freely, to assemble, and to report in the press must be vigilantly safeguarded: especially in moments like these. There’s no excuse for excessive force by police or any action that denies people the right to protest peacefully.
Ours is a nation of laws: of citizens who live under them and for the citizens who enforce them. So, to a community in Ferguson that is rightly hurting and looking for answers, let me call once again for us to seek some understanding rather than simply holler at each other. Let’s seek to heal rather than to wound each other.”
The President tells us that denying people the right to peacefully protest or have police use excessive force against those peaceful protesters is all part of our 1st Amendment right. And yes, we do have the right to peacefully assemble because of that Amendment. But I ask you; were the protests on Sunday night peaceful? How about on Monday night when 31 people were arrested and 2 people were shot? I guess the fires on Monday night must’ve been part of the “no holler” zone.
Is the President going to call for everyone to take a few, make that a lot of steps back to let the situation calm down? Is he going to address the fact that even the media has contributed with their reporting of rumors, innuendo, and incorrect information to the public, further adding to the tensions? What about the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the protesters who’ve never set foot in Ferguson until this week, the looters, or the Nation of Islam? Will he tell them to stop adding to the strife and tensions?
No, he won’t. And he won’t go to Ferguson either. In reply to a question from Ann Compton, the President states:
“I have to be very careful about not prejudging these events before investigations are completed. Because, although these are, you know, issues of local jurisdiction — you know, the DOJ works for me. And then when they’re conducting an investigation, I’ve got to make sure that I don’t look like I’m putting my thumb on the scales one way or the other.”
There you have it, straight from the Man himself. We mustn’t rush to judgment about the case until we know all the facts. Let the local jurisdictions and Obama’s DOJ do their jobs. Let the National Guard go to work restoring order, as long as they don’t “hinder progress” that is. Oh and lets not prejudge what has been going on because the investigation isn’t complete. Never mind that the investigation is already showing that Michael Brown was wanted for a felony robbery committed earlier that day. Never mind that a private autopsy is showing that Brown wasn’t shot from behind. Never mind that Officer Wilson was injured as well. But lets not judge ok?
In fact, lets do what the President tell us to. Lets all stop hollering at each other, lets stop protesting with bricks/rocks/Molotov cocktails, lets stop rioting and looting, and don’t carry guns or shoot guns. Because if this Ferguson nonsense doesn’t stop, the President will have get serious and interrupt a 5 hour dinner or the rest of his vacation to holler err lecture us and use his thumbs!

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