Trump’s Travel Ban: How a Well-Intentioned Order Went Horribly Wrong.

Trump’s Travel Ban: How a Well-Intentioned Order Went Horribly Wrong.

The fallout continues over President Trump’s travel ban and the resulting chaos at airports nationwide. But the President insisted yesterday that his executive order was working out “very nicely.”

Yeah, okay. Whom should I believe — Trump or my lying eyes?

Look, if you comb through the media hysteria and do a little research, you’ll find that this executive order is not the draconian edict which Trump’s detractors would like you to believe. However, information is emerging which shows that this mess amounted to incompetence on steroids.

Consider this:

  • The State Department, which deals with immigration and visas, learned of the executive order through the media. There was no consultation or inter-agency coordination. Typically seven agencies are involved in establishing immigration policy.
  • The executive order did not undergo the agency review process that is usually overseen by the National Security Council.
  • It appears that the order wasn’t written by lawyers or even vetted by by the Office of Legal Counsel, the agency which is assigned to interpret law for the executive branch: the office of the President.

Then there’s the confusion over permanent residents, aka, “green card” holders.

On Saturday, several permanent residents were caught up in the travel ban and were forbidden to re-enter the U.S., despite the fact that these individuals are required to reside in the country as a function of their status. Later the ban was reversed, but these green card holders are still required to undergo additional screening.

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Ava Gardner