I’m not a supporter of Donald Trump, and he certainly doesn’t need me to defend him, anyway. But this newest foray by a pro-illegal immigration group is well over-the-top.
Produced by a group called DeportRacism.com, the video features little Mexican moppets flipping the finger, swearing at Trump, and concludes with the by-now shopworn image of a piñata that looks like Trump.
Here is the video. Be warned, it’s not safe for work or for around young children.
DeportRacism is a non-profit PAC which claims it is “dedicated to fighting anti-Latino and anti-immigrant racism in the 2016 election.” The group is also calling for its followers to disrupt Donald Trump’s scheduled appearance on Saturday Night Live this weekend.
If that video has the air of déjà vue about it, it’s because it’s similar to this video released a year ago, which featured potty-mouthed princesses:
Both videos were produced by Luke Montgomery, a leftwing social media activist who’s admired by such figures as Rachel Ray and the staff of the website Mashable.com.
If this anti-Trump shock video was designed to get the Trump supporters to suddenly become sympathetic to the idea of amnesty for illegals, it probably just made them double down in their support of the Donald. It certainly doesn’t entice me, as someone who opposes Trump, to align with their cause either. What is does is to insult all those immigrants of Latin background who arrived here legally and clawed their way through all the legal steps to become naturalized citizens of the United States. And it certainly will not make those good people sympathetic to amnesty, either.
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