October 22, 2012
Is the Obama Campaign Committing Electoral Fraud?
It certainly looks like it. What else do you call it when a presidential campaign is accepting donations from non-existent zip codes? The Daily Caller reports:
A soon to be released report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute shows that President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has increasingly collected more electronic donations from non-existent ZIP codes throughout the 2012 campaign cycle.
From February through June this year the GAI findings reported that the Obama campaign collected $175,816.26 in electronic donations from non-existent ZIP codes. One month later, the campaign raised $411,369.55 through such donations and $197,464.59 in August.
By the end of September, the Obama campaign raked in $2,199,204.38 – thanks to donations from non-existent ZIP codes.
How is this happening? Well, despite the Obama campaign’s claims that they have proper safeguards in place to verify online donations, it appears that they actually don’t have any safeguards in place. Not only that, but it appears that they’re soliciting illegal donations.
GAI’s most recent report released in early October proves the Obama campaign has illegally solicited foreign donors and actively chose to ignore donation fraud prevention safeguards like Card Verification Value data – the input of a three or four digit number on the back of a credit card. Paired together, the two reports paint a picture of a presidential campaign that’s targeting illegal donations to fill the holes of what may be its fundraising failures.
It’s the Chicago way, right? Things aren’t going your way with fundraising, so what do you do? Lie, cheat, and steal to get the money you need in order to win.
Honestly, the fact that this isn’t a bigger controversy is a damning indictment against the mainstream media, which continues to be unwaveringly in the tank for Obama. A president accepting illegal campaign donations — thereby committing electoral fraud — is (to paraphrase our vice president) a big f***ing deal. The chances of the general public hearing about it? Unlikely. The chances of Obama being held accountable for breaking the law and committing fraud? A million to one.

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