Al Sharpton has apparently moved on from Ferguson, New York, and any other place he’s been protesting lately, and has decided to call immediate emergency attention to the great crisis of the moment.
What is that great crisis? The Oscar nominations were announced this morning, and no black people or “people of color” were nominated for any acting awards. The Reverend Al is quite upset. Quite. Upset.
The Sharpton statement protesting the Oscar nominations and calling for an emergency meeting.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) January 15, 2015
Nomination ballots are mailed to the Academy’s active members in late December and are due back to PricewaterhouseCoopers, an international accounting firm, in January.
Regular awards are presented for outstanding individual or collective film achievements in up to 25 categories. Members from each of the branches vote to determine the nominees in their respective categories – actors nominate actors, film editors nominate film editors, etc. However, within the Animated Feature Film and Foreign Language Film categories, nominations are selected by vote of multi-branch screening committees.
All voting members are eligible to select the Best Picture nominees.
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