Questioning Rebecca Watson’s Morality

Questioning Rebecca Watson’s Morality

Rebecca Watson of Skepchick is a 30-something woman, with a condescending manner and mediocre vocabulary.  She recently sounded off on the Planned Parenthood videos by the right of center, investigative group, The Center for Medical Progress.  You can watch Rebecca Watson’s video here.    In addition to her disdainful mien, she seems to have an astonishing lack of morals, in my humble opinion.

Taken from her own website and “sorta transcript”:

Planned Parenthood is in the news a lot these days thanks to a maliciously edited video making it look like they SELL BABY PARTS.

It’s weird for those of us with two brain cells to rub together, that this is even a thing. Because first of all, obviously Planned Parenthood doesn’t sell BABY PARTS. Jesus fu**ing chr*st, get a hold of yourselves. Baby parts!

3% of all Planned Parenthood’s activities are abortions, and more than 90% of those are in the first trimester when it’s about size of a kidney bean, so they do see some pieces of fetal tissue. Which are just going to be thrown away in the garbage, but which the patient can instead choose to donate to important medical research.

Luckily, I have more than two brain cells, documented, and she has no argument here.  It’s okay to donate this first trimester fetal tissue the size of a “kidney bean” because it is only going to be “thrown away” or because it will be used in “important medical research”.  That makes it all okey dokey.  She repeats this later for the diseases HIV and Parkinson’s.  (Full disclosure: Parkinson’s is one of my 83 year old Dad’s many diseases.)

The moral argument should be that if less than one percent of Planned Parenthood’s activities are abortions and 100% of those first trimester and the fetus is smaller than my pinky fingernail, this is not right.  If the fetus is just a clump of tissue, it has no value.  This fetus, this baby, is a human being with separate DNA.  This fetus, this baby is an individual from conception.

The Nazi doctors of Auschwitz would have agreed with Rebecca Watson (yep, I am going there).  These Nazi doctors did not consider their subjects to be human.  These subhumans in the concentration camps were being used in medical studies for the greater good.  Their tissues were just going to be thrown out and burned anyway.

Speaking of burning, I am so glad that I did not attend Boston University as Rebecca Watson did, because somehow in her four minute, rambling and incoherent, video, she brings up a course on heresy she took in college.

This all reminds me of a course I took in college on heresy. I remember learning about how multiple times throughout human history, various groups of people have been accused of the very specific act of gathering together and hosting orgies, and then taking the resulting babies from any past orgies and burning them into ashes, which are then formed into cakes, which are then eaten. Usually it’s supposed to be the Jews doing this but plenty of other marginalized groups have been accused as well. And it always baffled me to think that people could really, truly believe that their fellow humans were doing something so obviously stupid and made up.

Um, Rebecca, we don’t want babies aborted or born and then murdered.  What about this makes you think of orgies and cakes?  What an odd connection to make.

Someday, Rebecca, soon I think, the actions of Planned Parenthood in the late 20th and early 21st centuries will be written about in books and scholarly articles.  The books and articles will tell how more than 700,000 PER YEAR, individuals were ripped from wombs and some of these were used in experimentation, allegedly for science and the greater good.

When those who are “less than” can be used for medical experimentation and the greater good, I will question the morals of anyone who supports this horror.

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