Detroit is a perfect example of the ruin that Democrats bring to their constituents, the utter failure of liberal politics. How bad have things gotten? Almost half of all Detroit residents can’t pay their water bills.
“We do have programs that do help those that are just totally in need; can’t afford it — but we also know that there are also people who can’t afford it would can not pay and we know this because, once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full. So we do know that that has become a habit as well,” said Garner.
“At the DWAS Department — it’s not our goal to shut off water. We want people’s water on, just like they do; but you do have to pay for your water…That’s the bottom line.”
Garner said the reality is that nearly half of Detroit Water and Sewerage customers can’t pay their bills; and that has led activists to lobby the UN to step up and take action.
“If they do contact us we are willing to speak with them,” she said, adding “We owe it to the customers that are paying to collect from those that aren’t. Somebody has to pay for the water.”
The once-proud Motor City is literally crumbling. Homes can be purchased for less than $10,000. The city is filing for bankruptcy. A heartbreaking 80% of children in Detroit are born out of wedlock. Almost half of Detroit adults are functionally illiterate. The police force has been decimated to the point where it takes almost an hour for police to respond to a 911 call. This despite being the most dangerous city in the country:
Make no mistake: Detroit is still a very dangerous place. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s crime database reports Detroit had 386 murders last year, up from 344 in 2011 and essentially unchanged from 2000 – when the city had 200,000 more residents. The steady outflow of residents has driven Detroit’s murder rate up to 54.6 per 100,000, more than 10 times the national average and the highest in the country among large cities. Equally troubled Stockton, Calif., fifth on this year’s Most Dangerous list, has less than half the murder rate of Detroit.
And here’s one more fact for you: Democrats have ruled over Detroit for over 50 years, and only one Republican has been elected to the city council since 1970.
Detroit used to be one of the greatest cities in the world. It was one of the largest cities in the United States, the auto industry delivered millions of jobs, and Motown brought us some of the best music the world has known. Liberals destroyed Detroit with their failed policies. Unions killed the jobs. The government spending was out of control. Both taxes and spending skyrocketed, and we can all see the end result. Corruption and incompetence have not only flourished, but they have been rewarded. Racial tensions were flamed, and the breakdown of the nuclear family was encouraged, with Uncle Sam filling the role of daddy.
Sound familiar? These are the same seeds that Obama is sowing in his administration. Detroit should be a warning to the rest of the country. In forty years, the United States could be a large-scale Detroit, if Obama and his Democrats get their way.

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