These two should get together, since they don’t seem to understand the old adage, “When you’re neck-deep in a hole, stop digging.”
Last week, excrement hit the whirling blades when Coulter dished out her own brand of acid-laden snark in her column “Ebola Doc’s Condition Downgraded to Idiotic.” She was promptly criticized by Christians, members of a faith which she purportedly embraces.
This week’s column in TownHall shows her doubling down on her churlishness. Instead of defending her position that Christians, like Dr. Kent Brantly, the “Ebola Doctor,” are possessed of “Christian narcissism,” she chooses to ridicule her critics in a rambling article.
She snarls:
Missing from these alleged refutations is what we call a “point.” What is with these Christians? I know God didn’t distribute brains evenly, but can’t they make an argument?
She doesn’t address the refutation of her screed in the IndyStar, written by Ravi Meibalane, a classmate of Dr. Brantly from Indiana University School of Medicine. He writes:
. . .all of us respected Kent, a man of seemingly limitless compassion, dedication and empathy, capable of seeing beyond himself and of seizing the opportunity to practice in an environment in which his skills were most urgently needed. Kent chose wisely when he decided to become a doctor, and God chose wisely in selecting Kent for the job, as even the untrained eye should have no difficulty in seeing the reflection of one in the other.
I wonder how Ann Coulter would feel were she to realize that in calling Kent Brantly an idiot, she labeled God the same.
While Coulter insisted in her original article that Christian charity needs to address our cultural decline, the pro life staff at LiveAction News take issue with her assertions:
Abortion is an important issue, but sex-trafficking, AIDS, and severe poverty are important issues too. . . . On the contrary, the cause of life is advanced whenever an individual stands up against the forces of darkness and displays love to another human being. The sacrifices which Dr. Brantly made reflect a worldview which values the weak and the marginalized over personal comfort. In other words, Dr. Brantly embodies the life-affirming culture which we are seeking to establish.
This piece by Ann Coulter, on the other hand, embodies the angry, arrogant, and judgmental posturing which we in the pro-life movement want nothing to do with.
Alan Cornett, former assistant to the late conservative philosopher Russell Kirk, poses this interesting question, which of course Coulter has not addressed:
Sadly, those who often criticize those who choose to go, as Dr. Brantly went, are those who are really afraid that with those workers gone, they themselves might be expected to step into the gap.
So when Ann Coulter criticizes Dr. Brantly, is it because she laments the loss of his help in serving others, or is it because with him gone, she might be afraid someone will expect she do it herself?
Elizabeth Scalia, a contributor to the religious publication First Things, writing at The Anchoress, notes:
Understand, I have no problem with the idea of a Christian doctor preaching to rich people; it’s needed too, for sure. Mother Teresa deplored the spiritual poverty of the West, and all of Christendom benefited from the wealth and connections of Joseph of Arimathea. But it’s a strange, convoluted thinking that denounces a man who feels called to serve the suffering — calling him a narcissist for following that call — and insists that there are “right” and “wrong” people to serve.
And the “right” people to serve are the American people, because they’re the best and most important people! They are, according to Coulter, the light of the world!
Simcha Fischer, a self-described “Hebrew-Catholic” blogger, goes head-to-head with Coulter’s sarcasm:
Yes, isn’t that just like those benighted third world ninnies? So obsessed with this childish, petty desire to stay alive. Why can’t they think about important matters, like the spiritual state of people watching movies in America? No, all the time it’s, “Wah, wah, my eyes are bleeding” with them. Ugh, foreigners.
She continues:
Xenophobia is just racism for people who think big. There’s nothing noble about turning your back on people who suffer, even if they’re people who speak a different language or live in places with silly names. If we were all just supposed to hunker down and play to the home crowd, then the apostles themselves were off to a pretty bad start, gallavanting all over Greece and Ethiopia, Persia and Turkey. Didn’t they realize there were still some people back home — their own countrymen — who could have used their help?
But of course, Ms. Coulter, like Jesse Ventura, will never apologize, never express regrets about words or actions which hurt those with whom she should be allied. She will continue with the outrage, as long as there’s a book to be sold or an appearance on television to be made.
Ann Coulter is like a leggy blonde version of a Hamas rocket: firing indiscriminately, not caring who is injured, just as long as she receives attention by causing chaos.
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