November 23, 2013
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford More Popular Than Obama and Weekend Links!
Maybe some find the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, entertaining. He admits to smoking crack because he was drunk, he has a thing for hookers, and he knocks down old ladies while physically rushing hecklers. Yet in the middle of all this buffoonery, he’s more popular than God Jr. himself, Barack Obama.
This from The Telegraph:
Rob Ford, the crack-smoking mayor of Toronto, has a higher approval rating than Barack Obama, according to a survey.
A Forum Research survey of 1,049 Toronto voters found that 42 per cent approved of the job Mr Ford has been doing as mayor of Canada’s largest city.
Although it is a two point drop from two weeks ago, it is up from the 39 per cent approval rating he had before he admitted smoking crack cocaine.
By comparison, earlier this week Mr Obama’s popularity slumped to an all-time low, with only 37 per cent of Americans approving of the job he is doing.
The result suggests that Mr Ford could still be competitive in next year’s municipal election, although only 33 per cent of those polled said they would vote for him in 2014.
Mayor Rob Ford – a fat, balding jackass from up north, more popular than The Hipster-in-Chief?
Yes I know we’re talking two men in different countries, with different jobs. But setting that aside, it’s perfectly understandable to me. I mean, think about it: Mayor Ford is only smoking crack, being verbally abusive and condescending, and refusing to accept the fact he has a problem. Barack Obama has done all those things AND has destroyed an economy, dismantled a military, and gutted a healthcare system of an entire nation. In fact, The Imperial President’s popularity is even lower today, than that of George “Bush lied, People Died” Bush, 5 years into their presidencies.
Yeah, I totally get it and it’s very satisfying.
Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!
Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about “Rolling Stone’s Top 100 Guitarists”.
The Other McCain has many good blog posts up including this one by Stacy on “Accused Gay Teen Sex Offender Worried Scandal Would Cost Him White House Job”.
Phineas at Sister Toldjah has up this post on “CA High-Speed Rail Fail: $600 million spent, not a mile of track laid
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up a post today on “Micro-Aggression Week at College Insurrection”.
Jeff at Gay Patriot has up this blog post called “Why QE hurts the economy”.
Glenn Reynolds or Instapundit has many great posts at his blog hub from all over the blogosphere so go check them out! And you can read a great column Glenn did for Popular Mechanics called “How License-Plate Scanners Are Eroding Our Privacy”, here.
Emily at NakedDC has a blog post up called “DC’s government now owns a strip club”. Yeah. They really do.
Yorkshire at The First Street Journal has up a post called “The MILITARY PURGE – SCARY”.
Max at Max Redline has up this post called “Kitz Vows Fix”. Oregon’s re-tread. Meh.
Jammie at Jammie Wearing Fools has up this post “Another ObamaCare Victim: Chief of Hawaii Exchange to Resign”.
Jonn at This Ain’t Hell has this post up called “Two colonels leave jobs over the “pretty women” email”.
As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a fun blog post called “Post-Nuclear Option Holocaust Dinner: Rack of Lamb Anyone?” 🙂
Three Sure Things of Life has up a really great post called “A Lunchtime Interlude”.
John Hawkins has up a great post at Townhall called “15 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Greatest President In American History!” 😉
Donald Douglas at American Power has up this blog post on “White House Extends #ObamaCare Enrollment Deadline”.
Soopermexican has up this great podcast “SooperPodcast #66: Obama Baldwin Bashir!”. Go check it out.
Evil Blogger Lady has up this post on “The Knockout Game”.
Ed Morrissey has this post up at Hot Air “Obama: How about we change the subject, mm-kay?”.
and finally, Ace at AoSHQ has up this post on “Hilarious: The Internet Goofs on Obama For, Get This, Making Himself the Focus of a Picture Supposedly Intended to Celebrate JFK”. And it’s hilarious. 🙂
Have a terrific weekend!

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