The Other McCain brings us the scandal of the day. Liberals always like to act shocked that conservative women can be sexy and conservative. Remember the “scandal” when Scott Brown’s daughters were caught in — gasp!! — bikinis? And when Sarah Palin came to prominence, everyone on the internet was scouring to find bikini pictures of her as well. They like to paint conservatives as frigid, dried up, ugly old prudes, and of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth. And they hope that showing pictures of a conservative — or their family members — in bikinis will mean that other conservatives will be outrageously outraged. They’re always shocked when bikini photos do not, in fact, derail conservative candidates’ campaigns.
The newest non-scandal? North Dakota Governer John Hoeven is running for Senate, and he’s currently 47 points ahead. So what is the surefire way to sink the Hoeven campaign? Leak pictures of Hoeven’s daughter, Marcela, looking hot in a bikini!

Oh my God, somebody call the family values police. Apparently, someone contacted Stacy McCain wanting to know is this could be scandalous. Give me a freakin’ break. The girl is hot. So what? Conservatives are almost always better looking than liberals. We’re also smarter, more patriotic, and more generous. And while yes, conservatives don’t believe in screwing like a monkey whenever the urge strikes you, it doesn’t mean that conservatives don’t enjoy sex.
Or look hot in bikinis.
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