On Sunday, we discussed the new Clinton tell-all book—penned by a former Secret Service agent tasked with providing security to the former president and Mrs. Clinton—due for release this month, mere weeks before the Democrat convention in July where the party’s nominee will be selected. And following today’s California primary, it’s likely—barring an upset by the geriatric gadfly, Bernie Sanders—Hillary Rodham Clinton will clinch same (she’s already secured the delegates). But as we noted on Sunday, nothing Mrs. Clinton does that’s newsworthy is ever positive. And leading up to today’s likely decisive primary is no different. Here are, in no particular order, the top five issues dogging She Who Would Be Queen (if it weren’t for a pesky Socialist clinging to her pantsuit-tails) this week:
1. Bernie Sanders’ brother, Larry, said this about Hillary: “What she’s done is really despicable.”
Now I imagine if you know anything at all about the sordid history of the Clintons, you’re nodding your head in agreement. But what the Other Mr. Sanders makes mention to is not her bullying of women in blue dresses. Nor is it the fact that she endangered national security, and worse, by intentionally setting up a private server in her home to thwart FOIA. No, it’s that she’s not Socialist enough for the wannabe Hugo Chavezes. Take a listen:
Sigh. Those of us paying attention for the past seven and a half long years know that ObamaCare was never meant to work. It was meant to fail, just like it’s doing, in order to usher in single payer. And thus solidify central control of our healthcare. Just what we need, right? Wrong.
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