“Killer” Kristi Noem Shot A Dog, A Goat, And Her Career

“Killer” Kristi Noem Shot A Dog, A Goat, And Her Career

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has been on the GOP short list to be Donald Trump’s Vice President pick in the 2024 Presidential Race. Fortunately, Noem has outed herself as a killer of dogs, goats and her own career in her latest book, “No Going Back”, to be published on May 7, 2024. This is her second book in less than two years. Her first book, “Not My First Rodeo”, was published in June, 2022. The idea that this woman could get any further in politics is anathema to me. Spare me the “you have never lived on a farm or ranch” lectures. I watched my great-grandmother, Big Mom, snapped a chicken’s neck on the back porch. I know what farm animals are for. And, just so you know, “Old Yeller” was shot because he was injured and could have had rabies, not because Travis “hated” him. Go whistle up a rope.

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Ava Gardner