I miss Megyn Kelly at Fox News.
With those words I know I’ll be dodging virtual rocks and spitballs from the Megyn haters. But, yes, initially I was dismayed about her decision to interview Alex Jones. After all, I consider Jones to be one of the most execrable voices on the airwaves. His stock-in-trade is pushing unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to an echo chamber on his radio program and his website InfoWars.

However, Jones sunk to new depths after the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, claiming that the children and adults who were killed there were part of a hoax. Parents of the murdered children are understandably outraged that Kelly would give him a national platform. As a result, they’ve dropped her as host of an event to benefit the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation.
On top of that, JPMorgan Chase has dropped their ads from NBC until after the interview airs this Sunday. Ho hum. Another major corporation turning tail and running from controversy. What else is new?
So why should anyone give any credence to this nut job, I wondered. But then I saw a teaser for the interview and I started to see things differently. This, of course, is only a clip, but Jones is hardly given a pass from Kelly. It reminds me once again of one reason why talk show hosts always screen their calls and guests.
Alex Jones met former prosecutor Megyn Kelly. For Jones fans, this clip is not pretty:
Kelly also responded to her critics with this statement:
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