August 20, 2014
No Statement From Obama on Execution of James Foley
The nation has been in shock since the news broke of the alleged beheading of American journalist James Wright Foley. An American civilian was murdered by a foreign enemy, in a brutal and disgustingly public manner, with the video posted online for the world to see. Somehow, though, none of this bothers the president, who returned to Martha’s Vineyard to go on vacation last night, and has yet to release a statement about the Foley’s murder. He came back to Washington, D.C. for 48 hours, and then promptly went back to what’s truly important: playing golf and relaxing by the beach. (That little round trip allegedly cost taxpayers over $1 million.)
White House officials have bristled at repeated questions over the decision, even as the story has popcorned across the Internet.
“WH claimed Obama can do everything on the Vineyard, so why did he need to fly back to WH to meet with staff?” tweeted Joseph Curl, a Washington Times columnist and editor of the Drudge Report. “So wait, both Obama AND Holder flew from the Vineyard to DC so Holder could update Obama on Ferguson? Something very fishy going on here.”
… Yet Obama and the White House have repeatedly signaled they worry little about such perceptions. Minutes after he gave his first public remarks last week about the racially-charged protests in Ferguson, Mo., Obama was out on the golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. has not been updated with any kind of news on Foley’s death. The headline right now is the swearing in of Julian Castro as HUD Secretary; the top news item is Obama’s statement on Ferguson from two days ago. ISIS murdered an American citizen and is threatening to kill another, and Obama still can’t be bothered to come back from vacation.
Embarrassingly, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has risen to the occasion. Jim Geraghty compares the responses of Cameron and Obama, with Obama doing… well, nothing, and Cameron cancelling his vacation, issuing a statement, and starting an investigation.
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short his summer vacation to return to London and chair urgent meetings on the threat posed by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, calling the video “shocking and depraved.” British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the video appears to be genuine, adding that intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic were working to identify the voice on the tape.
“We are very concerned by the apparent fact that the murderer in question is British,” Hammond told NBC News partner ITV News. “We are urgently investigating.”
Cameron recently said there are more than 400 U.K. nationals in the ranks of ISIS, and Hammond on Wednesday said the video underscored concerns about the threat ISIS fighters pose to the West.
“This is something we have been tracking and dealing with for many, many months and I don’t think this video changes anything,” Hammond told the BBC. “It just heightens awareness of a situation which is very grave and which we’ve been working on for many months.”
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom cares more about the murder of an American journalist at the hands of ISIS than the current President of the United States does. Just let that sink in for a minute.
Meanwhile, James Foley’s mother has released a message imploring ISIS to release the other hostages and asking for privacy while the family mourns.
We have never been prouder of our son Jim. He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people.
We implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages. Like Jim, they are innocents. They have no control over American government policy in Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world.
We thank Jim for all the joy he gave us. He was an extraordinary son, brother, journalist and person. Please respect our privacy in the days ahead as we mourn and cherish Jim.
The Foleys are mourning and the nation is shocked and outraged. Obama? He’s probably playing golf.

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