In his hate-riddled speech, he accused “white folks” of not truly caring about the nine victims of the Charleston shooting, and asserted that the real racist culprit is the American flag.
“White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine,” said Farrakhan.
Funny that the facts don’t fit the narrative that Farrakhan and his other race-baiting buddies are trying so hard to confirm as truth. Blacks and whites marched in Charleston together because most people are truly disturbed by the level of depravity we saw in the murder of nine innocent human beings.
“I don’t know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag. We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag.” He added, “Who are we fighting today? It’s the people that carry the American flag.”
I knew this would happen. I’ve been saying it since I heard that the Left was calling for the removal of the Confederate flag. These people hate the United States because they’ve been fed the lie since birth that White America has oppressed them in some way.
This follows the demands that monuments of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis be removed in state capitals and college campuses across the nation. Warner Brothers has publically announced that they won’t sell the iconic General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard because of its depiction of the Confederate flag, and now people are calling for Warner Brothers to stop producing and selling the top grossing film of all time.
“Gone with the Wind” is still the top grossing picture of all time. Adjusted for inflation, its 1.6 billion box-office blowout is still the reigning champion of ticket sales, but because it romanticized the Confederacy, it is racist and must be stomped out. I’ve seen “GWTW” too many times to count. It is one of my favorite movies, and while it doesn’t show the horrors of slavery the way other films have, it did show the horrors of Reconstruction, and how hard that was on all in the South.
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