I think it’s no secret to anyone who has followed Victory Girls that we’re not exactly fans of Donald Trump. But I don’t think any of us would spout this eyebrow-raising statement that Hillary Clinton made at the Democratic debate last night:
[Americans] need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.
Now, we know that ISIS loves to make videos threatening the West. But recruiting videos featuring Trump? That’s a new one.
After the debate, the POLITICO “Wrongometer” fact-checker addressed Hillary’s assertion, saying, “But as far as we and other outlets can tell, there’s no evidence that radical jihadists are actually showing videos of Trump as a recruitment tool.”
Her statement caused even liberal Vox to question Hillary’s statement about Trump. Vox writer Zack Beauchamp questioned J.M. Berger, an author and expert on ISIS social media, whether such videos actually exist. He replied that he had never seen any such videos, adding “I would be surprised if they had and we didn’t hear about it in a big way.”
When asked for comment about the Trump statement, Clinton spokesman Jesse Ferguson referred to Rita Katz, another expert on ISIS propaganda and co-founder of the SITE intelligence group. Katz has said that ISIS follows “everything Trump says.”
I’m sure they do follow Trump’s statements, but that’s a far cry from ISIS actually using Trump to recruit, particularly through videos featuring the billionaire.
Perhaps she’s taking a cue from Ted Koppel, who just a few short days ago called Trump the “Recruiter in Chief” for ISIS.
Or perhaps Hillary got her information from terror expert Whoopi Goldberg. Yes, that Whoopi Goldberg, who claimed on The View that ISIS is using Trump to recruit followers. Furthermore, Goldberg wants Homeland Security to put Trump on a watch list: “Donald Trump seems to be recruiting a large group with the views that are against basic American values. He seems to be doing a very good job for ISIS, and I think he should be on the watch list.”

I don’t know where Hillary Clinton got her idea that ISIS is using Donald Trump as propaganda, and in particular that they’re using him in videos. But even though I’m no fan of The Donald, I’m kind of looking forward to see what he says about Hillary’s whopper of a story.
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