President Obama’s Non-Apology Apology

None of the numbers are good.  Not the enrollment numbers for Obamacare, not the president’s job approval numbers, and definitely not the number of stories that are daily appearing about more people losing their health insurance plans.

So, the president went to a “loyal” media mouthpiece, NBC News, to attempt some damage control.

This is what he said:

I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.

Let me attempt to translate this:

He is sorry that people believed him.  And now that you know that he is sorry that people believed him, believe him when he says that this can be dealt with.

This is masterful.  This is “I am not a crook” and “I feel your pain” rolled into one miserable excuse for an apology.

The ACA is over 900 pages long.  The administration has now been exposed as knowing that millions of people were going to lose their health insurance as a result of this monster of a bill.  Nancy Pelosi once famously remarked “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it,” and now we know that they knew.  They knew that this bill was designed to create such a burden upon insurance companies, that individual plans would have to be canceled for non-compliance.  They knew that some people were going to end up paying more for health insurance in order to make sure that others would get free insurance.  They knew that the Medicaid numbers would necessarily explode.  They had to have known all of these things… because they wrote the bill and are so damn smart, right?

Apparently they didn’t know that they had hired the Three Stooges to build a website, and they freely acknowledge that they are not “tech geeks,” to use the vice-president’s words.  Somehow, what they didn’t know, but inflicted on the American public anyway, should not be their fault.

So, let’s fault them for what we know they knew.

Mr. President, the game is up.  Your charm has failed you.  This is your “read my lips” moment, and it will follow you for the rest of your presidency and beyond.  Just how long a shadow it casts will depend on how much pain is felt by ordinary Americans.  And as time passes, we are seeing there’s a lot of pain to go around.  And “apologizing” by saying that you are sorry that people believed your “assurances”… this time, Mr. President, it will not be enough.  Because the American people have had enough.


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