When you see or hear the term Veteran, what does it mean to you? Do you think of those veterans standing tall and shouting “Rifles Up! Climb To Glory!”?
Clarence F. Dawson (Monk), veteran of the U.S. Army’s 86th division company H, places a 10th Mountain patch on a 1-157th Infantry Army soldier during a re-patching ceremony Sunday at Camp Hale. Certain troops were chosen to receive their patches directly from WWII veterans like Dawson, as the first battalion, 157th Infantry became part of the third maneuver battalion of the 86th Infantry Battalion Combat Team under the 10th Mountain Division on Sunday. (photo credit – John LaConte Vail Daily)
Do you think of those Veterans who are blessed with the opportunity to fly to Washington DC on an Honor Flight in order to render one last salute to their friends and comrades who gave the last full measure in World War II?
HONORFLIGHT, NWS, PORTER, 1. – Harvey Spaulding, 88, and a World War II veteran shakes hands with a member of the 128th refueling unit as he enters the concourse. Eight veterans were cheered on as they get ready to board the latest Honor Flight to Washington D.C. to view the war memorials. This flight was the first one to include Viet Nam vets. October 4, 2013. GARY PORTER/GPORTER@JOURNALSENTINEL.COM
How about the Veteran living next door to you? The one who took off his or her uniform and now serves this Republic in a different capacity?
Look around you. There are more Veterans in your community than you think. They are doctors, entrepreneurs, business owners, attorneys, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, ranchers, farmers, politicians, and more. Veterans have built this country in so many ways and on so many levels.
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