#TeamHeidi: Trump and His View of Women-Has He Sunken to a New Low?

#TeamHeidi: Trump and His View of Women-Has He Sunken to a New Low?

Donald Trump promises to be “as presidential as he wants to be” upon being elected. He states “I will be VERY good for women” so many times, we think he’s trying to convince himself. From the multitude of remarks on his television show The Apprentice to quips about menstrual cycles affecting women’s moods, attacks against Carly Fiorina to the size of his manhood (a visual most of us women could have done without), Trump has taken the 2016 Presidential race and put it in a category of its own. Welcome to junior high.

But when, just when, is enough…enough? It all started with this photo posted by Make America Awesome:

Make America Awesome, a SuperPAC led by Liz Mair has not come out and endorsed any particular candidate nor was Ted Cruz behind the posting. But, Donald thought he was and fired back:

What was Trump going to “spill the beans” about? The first “bean”, if you will, was Cruz’s affiliation with Goldman Sachs and the Council on Foreign Relations. Cruz was drafted as a ‘term member‘ to participate in an independent task force report, titled North America: Time for a New Focus. However, her only contribution and stance appears in the following appendix of the 2005 White Paper for the council, entitled “Building a North American Community”:

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Ava Gardner